Exercises in the Essential explores the relationship between Arper furniture and the human body.

The publication is organized into six sections, each relating "essential" to a concept such as balance or play.
The images were treated with a dot pattern to give them a graphic, tactile sensibility.

Section openers explore Arper's relationship to each concept.

What is essential? This is the question that Arper poses each time they design and produce a piece of furniture, and each time they communicate with the world. Arper commissioned Wax Studios to investigate this question for their Brief, a publication that connects Arper products and thinking with the world at large.
Wax art directed, wrote and designed the publication “Exercises in the Essential”, which explores a series of relationships between furniture and the human body. While furniture, at its core, must define itself in relationship to basic human needs, it is the qualities of this relationship that make Arpers furniture meaningful.
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