A4 logo 1400 xxx q85

The A4 mark, representing pieces of a larger whole, can flex to accommodate or define its surroundings.

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The logotype positioning is flexible, 

aligning horizontally or vertically with the mark.

A4 stationary 1400 xxx q85
A4 flyer repeat 1400 xxx q85

Event graphics are modular, allowing changing information to live in one dynamic space.

A4 eventbrite 1400 xxx q85

They also utilize alternating layouts, colors, and emphases.

A4 town hall graphics 1400 xxx q85

A4's monthly Town Halls are defined by a centered title and overlaid supergraphic.

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The A4 website invites community members to share events, opportunities, and stories in a shared space.

Asian American Arts Alliance — IdentityArrow whiteClose white

The Asian American Arts Alliance is dedicated to strengthening Asian American artists and cultural groups through resource sharing, promotion, and community building. Under new leadership from Lisa Gold, A4 partnered with us to strengthen and contemporize their identity.


Given the length of their name, we came up with the new mark and nickname, while keeping the full name as a logotype to be used on more formal occasions. The mark brings a dynamic, bold and memorable graphic toolkit to the identity, reflecting the diversity and community-oriented nature of the organization. 

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