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“Priscilla,” photography by David Brandon Geeting for WAX Issue 4. Styling & Model Priscilla Jeong.

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“Changing Room,” photography by Sacha Maric for WAX Issue 7. Styling by Mac Heulster.

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“Changing Room,” photography by Sacha Maric for WAX Issue 7. Styling by Mac Heulster.

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“Changing Room,” photography by Sacha Maric for WAX Issue 7. Styling by Mac Heulster.

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“Sight Lines,” photography by Sacha Maric for WAX Issue 7. Hair and Makeup by Stine Rasmussen. Prop Stylist Arthur Gobillot. 

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“In Pursuit” photography by Luke & Nik for WAX Issue 6. Styling by Gary David Moore.

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“Miles & Pia” photography by Jeremy Liebman and artwork by Pia Howell for WAX Issue 3.

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“Miles & Pia” photography by Jeremy Liebman and artwork by Pia Howell for WAX Issue 3.

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“Miles & Pia” photography by Jeremy Liebman and artwork by Pia Howell for WAX Issue 3.

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“Plunge,” photography by Eric T. White for WAX Issue 5. Styling by Liz Rundbaken.

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WAX Fashion — Art DirectionArrowClose

In 2011, Wax Studios conceived of the idea for a surf, culture and contemporary art publication, entitled WAX Magazine, that explores the connections between creative practices, nature and surfing. Each issue explores a theme (e.g., Territories, Dialogues, Secrecy) compelling editorial content, from essays and interviews to photo stories and experimental art prompts. These themes provoke connections between the seemingly disparate worlds of art, nature and surf, allowing for an eclectic yet visually continuous read.


In each issue, Wax Studios works collaboratively with photographers, stylists and models to create imagery that simultaneously engages the theme and tells a compelling fashion story.


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