Wildwood 08 1400 xxx q85

The cover doubles as a fold-down poster, featuring names of motels in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Wildwood 07 1400 xxx q85

Photography by Rob Kulisek.

Wildwood 06 1400 xxx q85

Photography by Michael Marcelle.

Wildwood 05 1400 xxx q85

Photography by Michael Marcelle (L) and Rob Kulisek (R).

Wildwood 04 1400 xxx q85

Photography by Rob Kulisek (L) and Michael Marcelle (R).

Wildwood 03 1400 xxx q85

Photography by Rob Kulisek.

Wildwood 09 1400 xxx q85
Wildwood 01 1400 xxx q85

Front and back of the fold-down poster.

WAX Editions — Photo Book & PosterArrowClose

Wildwood Motel Tour is the first publication from the WAX Editions imprint, published by Wax Studios. The book is a collaboration with — and between — photographers Rob Kulisek and Michael Marcelle. The images of these two New Jersey natives present a dialogue about the facade not only of this iconic beach town, but about the nature of American vacations.


16cm × 22cm, 48 pp
Published by WAX Magazine Inc.

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